Life Coach in Northern Beaches, Sydney, Australia

Our Life Coach in Northern Beaches, Sydney, Australia assists You with arriving at an objective or, rolls out an improvement in Your life.

Life Coach in Northern Beaches

Who is a Life Coach?

A Life Coach is an expert who assists you with arriving at an objective or rolling out an improvement in your life. They are the source of motivation and inspiration to assist you to reach your full potential.

It seems that everyone chooses to call themselves a Life Coach nowadays and in some ways, most people can help others with their goals.

How are we different?

At The Guiding Star, our purpose is to increase the efficiency of your potential. We believe that we were born with the perfect mindset. We lose touch with our own powers when we try to conform to external expectations and validations for decades.

Our job is to re-connect you with that core.

A lot of work that we do with our clients involve a journey that is inward.  That involves inquiry – not enquiry.

Because when we know where we are – we can easily plan the route to our destination. Most of the time – we are not aware of where/when and who we are – and therefore, even without the best efforts and intentions, we fail to reach our purpose.

We help you choose a goal and arrive at them in the way that is most suitable for you. That is why ALL our services are bespoke – we do not believe that one solution suits everyone and hence, we do not have any group sessions or claim to hand out the perfect solution.

Our mentor at The Guiding Star can guide you through the cycle by posing inquiries that help you assess and choose from different options that you have to arrive at your Goal.

The Guiding Star Life Coach in Northern Beaches

We want to assist you with arriving at your objective in the most productive, compelling and compensating way imaginable. Under the guidance of our capable Life Coach , you will learn to identify your goals and achieve them quicker with less exertion by putting up an effective strategy. Effectiveness is critical to keeping force up and making enduring changes.

How can we help you?

Recognising your Purpose

Life Coach

A purpose is bigger than a goal – it is the WHY of the goal. Knowing the purpose (for anything – from financial to relationship goals) helps us work towards them, even when the chips are down. When we know the purpose of the goal – we do not need external motivation and inspiration, because they come from the purpose.

We not only help you identify the big picture of purpose but also break it down to actionable and achievable tasks with timelines. Life is short – Live it well! Why survive, when you can thrive! Life presents us with many uncertainties but none of them are permanent.

“Today is the tomorrow, we had worried about yesterday.” Sometimes we focus on the emotions that are temporary, instead of focussing on the lessons that might be permanent.

We are here to recognise, redirect and analyse your purpose and propose to set a ‘SMART’ goal that encourages you to change your life.

Helps You to Achieve Your Goals

Your Life Coach steers your path in the right direction to achieve your desirable goals. We, at The Guiding Star run a Quality Control check on your Goal to make sure it is suitable and achievable for You. In other words, our job is to take you to point A to point B in your life by holding Your hands.

Like a GPS, we help you come up with different ways towards that goal but let you be in the driver’s seat.

Life Coach in Sydney

Helps You to make the right decisions

Often, the decisions we take are affected by our lived experiences and the beliefs that we have been presented by society/culture/family.

We help you to make the right decisions in your life, by showing you different perspectives of the same situation and removing any limiting beliefs and showing you your blind spots. We can help you to plan out the techniques and strategies to enforce in your daily life so that you can start to be aware of these when you take decisions on your own.

Helps You to stick to Your Goal

We, at The Guiding Star, also help you be accountable – to your purpose, your goals and to yourself. We do this by a top-down approach of eliciting your purpose, knowing your values and beliefs around them and then creating an action plan that is sustainable to reach that purpose.

Who Uses Life Coaches and Why

Anyone who wants to have growth in professional and personal life can use Life Coach.

Professional Life:

  • Growth
  • Productivity
  • Efficiency
  • Success
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Training & Education

Personal Life:

  • Personal Relational
  • Purpose of Life
  • Health and Fitness
  • Divorce
  • Dating and Marriage
  • Personal Habits
  • Setting up Preference

The following Areas of Improvement can be possible through Life Coaching:

  • Accomplishment of Goals
  • Satisfaction in Life
  • Purpose of Life
  • Personal Relations
  • Following your Hobbies
  • Self-assurance
Life Coach in Sydney, Australia